Jaaaa jag kommer snart starta min egen podd, ska bara prokrastinera några månader till..Jag har insett att från att hålla mig själv och min röst tillbaka i typ en livstid så när jag väl öppnade locket kan jag och vill jag inte sluta prata och sprida mina budskap- Alltså följ ditt hjärta! Gå din egen väg, gör det som känns lustfyllt, är du inte lycklig så ÄNDRA det du kan även om det känns urjobbigt och omöjligt. Vi har verkligen allt vi behöver i våra kroppar för att må som vi vill må och ibland behöver vi hjälp att komma ihåg det.
SÅ jag älskar nu att prata om hur vi kan använda vår egen andning, vår egen kropp och naturen runtomkring oss för att läka och skaka av oss allt från stress, oro, ångest, rädsla om vad andra ska tycka och tänka, hur vi kan läka inflammation i vår kropp och leva ett lyckligt och aligned liv där vi följer vårt hjärta och inte så mycket vårt monkey mind..du vet det där tjattret som ALDRIG slutar om vi inte hjälper till att tysta ned det med breathwork eller meditation eller vad nu din medicin är..Jag har så mycket att dela men tekniken stressar mig, har verkligen en blockering där så är det någon som känner sig kallad att ha en liten podd-kurs med mig så kommer det säkert några avsnitt snart:)
Behöver du lite hjälp med att komma ihåg hur magisk och powerful du är så lyssna på någon av de poddar jag fått äran att gästa så kanske du blir inspirerad eller kom på en av mina ceremonier eller retreats i vår!
Alla mina upcoming offerings hittar du på min hemsida
Här kommer de senaste poddarna med mig och har du tips på en podd du tycker jag ska gästa let me know:)
Lyssna på mig i Changemakers podcast
Lyssna på mig och Madde i hennes fantastiska podcast Perspektiv
Är du intresserad av kakaoceremonier och Ceremoniell Kakao samt att höra storyn om hur jag och kakaon hittade varandra så rekommenderar jag varmt att lyssna på mig, Annika Panotzki och Åsa i deras fina Podcast Medicine Woman
Och i det här gamla inlägget kan ni hitta fler podcasts med mig.
Hoppas jag kan inspirera dig till att gå din egen väg!
I was working on my yearly summary and got severly caught up with life so this post might not feel super relevant anymore but it has been ready to post for a month so here you go, some of last summers adventure..Can’t wait for another season in The Wild Meadow- So many magical offerings and collaborations coming up which you can read about here.
So my intention is to be more regular in here and I am so curious to hear what you want to see and read more about?
With so much love,
Look who is back…I took my sweet time but I think I am back now. I really missed this platform that I sometimes forget about when life takes over..Which it very much did this year.
HOW ARE YOU ALL? If anyone still checks in here anymore..
I just love yearly summaries and to see where I was a year ago, who was I? Always so fascinating..A year goes by so quick yet looking at pictures it all feels like a distant dream..
As I look back on the first three months of 2023, my heart is full of stories and lessons from my time in Guatemala. It was a journey of love, challenge, and beauty, shared with my dear dog Elda. Our travels to this wild, wonderful place pushed us both to our limits, but the memories we made are treasures I’ll keep forever.
There’s something magical about how we, as humans, are always changing. Did you know that we replace our cells every day, and in seven years, we’re completely new people? This amazes me, and it’s made me think deeply about how I can help my new cells be the best they can be. Here’s what I’ve been doing:
Now, for those new cells – how do we make them shine even brighter? Here are a few simple practices I’ve been embracing:
As this year is coming to its end, I feel a deep sense of renewal yet so exhausted which I see as a sign there is more shedding to be done, more to release. Each day is a chance to grow, to change, and to become a little bit more of who I’m meant to be. I’m excited to see where this journey takes me next.
Here is some memories from early this year.
Stay tuned for more...
This weekend I had the honor to attend my friends Rosanna and Kalles Love Ceremony in their magical garden in Stockholm.
They already got officially married a few weeks ago with their families and this was a love ceremony only for friends which I feel is such a winning concept.
I was blessed with the task of welcoming all guests and smudge them with blessing herbs to wash away any energies not wanted in the ceremony, then there was a shamanic wedding ceremony followed by bubbles, then dinner in the tipi followed by dance.
Such a magical day and night and what inspirations they are do dare to follow their hearts and celebrate in this way. YAY to love, to life and to Rosanna and Kalle. Love love love
I just got these analogue pictures from Emma who was joining my last Ceremonial Breathwork Retreat here in my Wild Meadow- so many magical memories.
I decided to host another level 1 training in September which will be in the apple harvest season and such a magical time here in Skåne but if you cant make it to that one, I have a shorter online version available starting September 12th
If you feel called to learn more about the power of our own breath as well as you feel called to learn more about a ceremonial way of living then this training is for you.
Here is some more info and you can read more and book on my website.
This 5 day training is designed to provide you with the tools, information and confidence necessary to practice Breathwork as a healing modality for clients, and/ or for your personal wellbeing as well as how to work with rituals and ceremonies.
In this training you will get a deeper understanding of the science behind breathwork, and you will learn all about our energy centers (chakras) and how to balance them.
The breathwork technique is a simple 3 part breathing pattern. The first part is to inhale deeply into the lower belly. The second part is to inhale into the upper chest. And the third part is a relaxed exhale but we will also go through some more calming breathwork techniques that can be nice to start and end a ceremony with.
If you are already on the journey as a healing practitioner this training will act as an opportunity to deepen your offering, with a mind and body understanding of breath as medicine.
You will learn…
What past students have to say:
Nina and her teachings are as Wild, Wise and Beautiful as the Meadow where she holds space. I’m in awe of her Witchy wisdom and offerings, and I left with a deeper connection to Mother Earth, new friendships, a new love for sharing my voice, an ignited self purpose and feeling of belonging. Thank you for being the magical being you are Nina and for giving me the opportunity to just be and breathe. I cannot recommend this Breathwork training enough! You need to go and experience it for yourself ~ Cecilia
This training is beyond learning about the breath and how to hold a safe and sacred space. Not only do I feel like a different person leaving- more liberated, expressed, free and supported- but I also feel like I’ve learnt so much about how to alchemist, transform and heal through nature, singing and our breath. I cant recommend this enough! Nina is the most beautiful teacher and spaceholoer and I cant imagine a safer space. This was one of the most transformational trainings I’ve been to and it reminded and taught me so much about love, life and nature – Malvina
Nina, thank you for your space holding, your knowledge and deep wisdom. Its been profound and so transformative. I feel empowered to water my seeds and allow myself to walk my path, so grateful- Emma
Det är en magisk känsla att få ta del av andra kvinnors erfarenheter, visdom och kärlek. Känslan av gemenskap som uppstår är svår att beskriva. Jag känner mig sedd, upplyft, stärkt och ser fram emot att fortsätta i samma anda. Nina har en sällsynt förmåga att skapa en trygg miljö och jag är hedrad att få ta del av hennes kunskap.- Annie
A magical weekend at the magical Meadow- a place for love, light, healing and connection. Tack Nina for sharing your power- Holli
Fantastisk utbildning med så mycket mer och själ än vad jag förväntade mig. Gediget material och väl genomtänkt upplägg utan att tumma på kvaliteten och samtidigt behålla det själsliga. Rekommenderas varmt- Lisa
Thank you Nina for this wonderful experience. Grateful to receive your medicine and it opened up a whole new dimension to self care, how to create more joy and pleasure in my life and reconnect with mama nature- Marsela
About the breath
Ceremonial breathwork is a powerful healing modality that can be used to relieve stress and anxiety, gain energy, heal traumas and recover lost soul parts by simply changing our breathing patterns. This type of breathwork allows you to enter into an altered state of consciousness, which gives you access to timeless wisdom in the present moment and the ability to release trapped emotions and unwanted energies. This form of conscious breathing is a low risk therapy and has been shown to be effective in chronic stress relief, anxiety and depression. It can also help to lower high blood pressure, improve sleep and increase overall well-being. If you are looking for a way to empower yourself to become your own inner healer and bring wholeness back into your life, ceremonial breathwork may be the perfect modality for you.
The Chakras are seven Energy Centers in your body that affect your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual well-being. When you begin to work on your Chakras, your energy begins to flow. Many people’s Chakras are not in balance, often blocked, overactive or inactive. This results in confusion, depression, imbalances, and low energy.
By Awakening the Chakras through special techniques such as Activation Sounds, Breathing Techniques, certain Movements and other methods, the Energy begins to move in the right direction bringing you Positivity, Peace, Clarity, High Energy, Joy, Balance, Passion and Lust for Life.
No experience in breathwork is necessary to join this training
This training is in need of a chef focusing on local, healthy, high vibe vegan or vegetarian food.
I am also offering discounted rate for anyone offering their services in photography & videos from parts of the training
Payment plans available for those in need- reach out and lets talk
Jag får så många frågor om mina kakaoceremonier så här kommer lite svar.
Det bästa är dock att uppleva en ceremoni själv- svårt att förklara i ord vad som händer i en ceremoni.
Vad är en kakao ceremoni?
Denna magiska ceremoni ser olika ut varje gång beroende på till exempel säsong, månens cykler, om vi befinner oss inne eller ute, och självklart beroende på om du har några speciella önskemål. Kanske vill du anordna en medveten och hjärtöppnande möhippa, babyshower, företagsevent eller födelsedag? En klient hade en ceremoni med sina vänner där hon sörjde sin far, andra har gjort ceremonier för att släppa stress, trauman, rädslor, tidigare relationer, ilska eller för att kalla in överflöd, glädje och lekfullhet i sitt liv!
Hur utförs en kakao ceremoni?
Vi börjar oftast med en smudging med någon renande rök som Copal, Palo eller Pino Santo, Salvia, Gråbo, Ceder som hjälper till att rensa bort de energier du inte vill ta med dig in i en ceremoni men även kalla in goda energier.
Sen älskar jag att röra på kroppen innan vi sätter oss ner så vi kan skaka av lite stress och racing thoughts in vår monkey mind.
Sen pratar jag gärna länge om den ceremoniella kakaon, dess historia, vart den kommer ifrån och vilka som tillverkat den och hur den tillverkas.
Sen guidar jag ofta in i en hjärtöppnande meditation samtidigt som vi dricker kakaon efter att vi också satt våra intentioner.
Efter det kanske vi gör någon partner övning eller mer rörelse som dans innan jag guidar oss in i andningens värld.
Vi andas sedan i en teknik som kallas för Transformational Breathwork som kan minska stress och ångest, öka fokus och koncentration, förbättra sömnkvaliteten och främja en känsla av inre lugn och frid. Breathwork kan också hjälpa till att frigöra emotionella blockeringar och främja en känsla av helhet och närvaro- den är otroligt kraftfull och extra powerful efter en kopp kakao.
När vi andats klart är det en lång och blissful avslappning med aromaterapi, soundhealing och hands on healing där du får tid att integrera din upplevelse och vi avslutar alltid med en frivillig delningscirkel.
Vilka är fördelarna med att delta i en kakao ceremoni?
En kakaoceremoni med breathwork är för dig som vill…
☽ Öppna ditt hjärta och ta kontakt med din inre röst och visdom
☽ Få klarhet i vad som är viktigt i ditt liv och finna ditt varför, ditt syfte
☽ Släppa stress och oro, och lugna ditt nervsystem
☽ Stilla tankarna och komma bort ifrån tjattret av “the monkey mind”
☽ Få ökad energi
☽ Känna mer självkärlek och värde
☽ Väcka din kreativitet
☽ Utforska nya vägar att läka kropp och sinne
☽ Känna dig mer grundad och i kontakt med din kropp
☽ Möta och knyta an till likasinnade
☽ Uppleva avslappning och total bliss
Vill du testa själv så har jag en Ceremoni nu på Lördag på Yoga Kendra i Malmö samt 2 Ceremonier i Stockholm nästa vecka- Tisdag och Söndag. Kolla in i min kalender på min hemsida och läs mer och boka där.
Var kan jag annars delta i en kakao ceremoni?
Kika in i min kalender för mina öppna events runtom i landet och vill du boka en privat ceremoni för dig och dina vänner/ familj/ partner/ kollegor så maila mig på [email protected]
Finns det några hälsomässiga risker eller försiktighetsåtgärder att tänka på vid deltagande i en kakao ceremoni?
För de flesta människor är kakao en säker och njutbar dryck. Men det finns några försiktighetsåtgärder att tänka på. Kakao innehåller naturliga stimulanter, så det kan påverka personer med hjärtproblem eller högt blodtryck. Gravida kvinnor som aldrig druckit kakao innan kan vara försiktiga de första 3 känsliga månaderna av graviditeten men sen ska det vara säkert- man ger ju traditionellt kakao till gravida kvinnor i Maya kulturen för att barnet ska födas ut från ett öppet hjärta och ur kärlek.
Personer som tar starka antidepressiva mediciner bör konsultera sin läkare innan de deltar i en kakao ceremoni eller varsamt prova sig framåt- kakao är faktiskt en naturlig antidepressiv men man kan få serotonin överdos vilket låter härligt men kan orsaka migrän och illamående.
Vill du skapa din egen ceremoni eller ritual och bara letar efter den bästa Ceremoniella Kakaon så hittar du den här
Hoppas vi ses 🙂
Och jag älskar när ni ställer frågor- vad undrar ni mer över?
Oh my godess- last week was just out of this world. All the apple trees are in full bloom- by now I’m sure you haven’t missed my obsession about this time of the year!
What a perfect timing for 8 magical woman to arrive for a 4 day training in Ceremonial Breathwork- a training I created with everything I am passionate about that has helped me on my healing journey through the years.
The training is centered around breathwork and the chakra system and how we can heal and balance our energy centers in our body through ceremony, rituals, herbs, nature, community, singing, soundhealing, cacao, sharings and movement.
I have been teaching this course online this winter but to have it in person was next level and none of us wanted it to end- SO definitely it will be a level 2, just need to figure out when.
AND I already decided to host another level 1 here in The Wild Meadow in September so if you think like this sounds like something for you- head into my website and read more and don’t miss the early bird price.
I didn’t take many pictures this weekend but I got help from magical Emma- super grateful to be able to have these memories. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
If you feel curious here is some more info about the next training starting in September- read more and book on my website
This 5 day training is designed to provide you with the tools, information and confidence necessary to practice Breathwork as a healing modality for clients, and/ or for your personal wellbeing as well as how to work with rituals and ceremonies.
In this training you will get a deeper understanding of the science behind breathwork, and you will learn all about our energy centers (chakras) and how to balance them.
The breathwork technique is a simple 3 part breathing pattern. The first part is to inhale deeply into the lower belly. The second part is to inhale into the upper chest. And the third part is a relaxed exhale but we will also go through some more calming breathwork techniques that can be nice to start and end a ceremony with.
If you are already on the journey as a healing practitioner this training will act as an opportunity to deepen your offering, with a mind and body understanding of breath as medicine.
You will learn…
What past students have to say:
This training is beyond learning about the breath and how to hold a safe and sacred space. Not only do I feel like a different person leaving- more liberated, expressed, free and supported- but I also feel like I’ve learnt so much about how to alchemist, transform and heal through nature, singing and our breath. I cant recommend this enough! Nina is the most beautiful teacher and spaceholoer and I cant imagine a safer space. This was one of the most transformational trainings I’ve been to and it reminded and taught me so much about love, life and nature – Malvina
Nina, thank you for your space holding, your knowledge and deep wisdom. Its been profound and so transformative. I feel empowered to water my seeds and allow myself to walk my path, so grateful- Emma
Det är en magisk känsla att få ta del av andra kvinnors erfarenheter, visdom och kärlek. Känslan av gemenskap som uppstår är svår att beskriva. Jag känner mig sedd, upplyft, stärkt och ser fram emot att fortsätta i samma anda. Nina har en sällsynt förmåga att skapa en trygg miljö och jag är hedrad att få ta del av hennes kunskap.- Annie
A magical weekend at the magical Meadow- a place for love, light, healing and connection. Tack Nina for sharing your power- Holli
Fantastisk utbildning med så mycket mer och själ än vad jag förväntade mig. Gediget material och väl genomtänkt upplägg utan att tumma på kvaliteten och samtidigt behålla det själsliga. Rekommenderas varmt- Lisa
Thank you Nina for this wonderful experience. Grateful to receive your medicine and it opened up a whole new dimension to self care, how to create more joy and pleasure in my life and reconnect with mama nature- Marsela
About the breath
Ceremonial breathwork is a powerful healing modality that can be used to relieve stress and anxiety, gain energy, heal traumas and recover lost soul parts by simply changing our breathing patterns. This type of breathwork allows you to enter into an altered state of consciousness, which gives you access to timeless wisdom in the present moment and the ability to release trapped emotions and unwanted energies. This form of conscious breathing is a low risk therapy and has been shown to be effective in chronic stress relief, anxiety and depression. It can also help to lower high blood pressure, improve sleep and increase overall well-being. If you are looking for a way to empower yourself to become your own inner healer and bring wholeness back into your life, ceremonial breathwork may be the perfect modality for you.
The Chakras are seven Energy Centers in your body that affect your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual well-being. When you begin to work on your Chakras, your energy begins to flow. Many people’s Chakras are not in balance, often blocked, overactive or inactive. This results in confusion, depression, imbalances, and low energy.
By Awakening the Chakras through special techniques such as Activation Sounds, Breathing Techniques, certain Movements and other methods, the Energy begins to move in the right direction bringing you Positivity, Peace, Clarity, High Energy, Joy, Balance, Passion and Lust for Life.
This week was so grounding and good for my root chakra- walking barefoot, spending so much time in the garden, planting seeds, herbs and flowers.
A whole week to myself, catching up on life, house, land and preparing all the course material for my upcoming Ceremonial Breathwork training starting this Thursday (still 1 spot left if you feel called to join us on this 50 hour journey together:)
I am still not super inspired to take a lot of pictures but this is what I managed to scrap together for you from my past week.
It was an intense start to say the least. As I got delayed in Mexico I landed just the day before my 2 Ceremonies in Stockholm, none of my 3 bags arrived with me so it was a bit chaotic running around town trying to gather everything I needed, all with jet lag brain and not enough time. But I made it and had 2 magical events and then off to the woods where I havent been since end of November and the list of things to take care off is pretty endless- broken window, doors that aren’t opening, renovation that didn’t make it fully in time, grass that needs to be taken care off, guests are coming for trainings, need to cook all the food, and change tires on my car, and ship cacao, and unpack and yes you hear..
My 2 trainings went amazing, 2 magical groups of woman coming to learn more about Breathwork, Ceremonies, Chakra Healing, Herbal magic and Medicine making and I just love this format of teaching where we just customise a few days based on what you want to learn and receive.
But as magical as it was, this weekend, just grounding, catching up, being all alone with the full moon and eclipse was just sooo wonderful. Just me, Elda and the forest.
That was just a fraction of everything that has been going on here but I didn’t manage to caption a lot of my weeks on picture so this will have to do.
Wishing you a wonderful springy week.
I am a Modern medicine woman and spiritual guide working mainly with Ceremonial Cacao, plants, breathwork and sound.
Here I am writing about my life that is divided between Lake Atitlan in Guatemala and the forest in Skåne. Topics I am passionate about are Cacao, holistic health, healing, spirituality, ceremonies, rituals and my dog Elda of course❣︎
Instagram: @ninamedicina
Mail: [email protected]
The Ceremonial Cacao I am writing about that has upgraded my life on all levels can be found at: