What’s new?

2 years ago

..Absolutely nothing I feel. I have been going deep into Swedish winter as well as my own inner winter and been hibernating in front of the fire, dreaming up some magical herbal medicines, reading in some dusty books, debating if I should leave Sweden this winter or really try and stick it out like I promised myself. You will find me on skyscanner every afternoon when the sun goes down and the house gets freezing cold, dreaming about going back to Guatemala, Bali, Costa Rica..BUT I also know that a winter here is what I need. To honor the cycles of the year and take more time for deep rest and going inwards. Living in sunny places is amazing but I am never still and in a way I am so curious to see what creative ideas will come out after a winter of just going inwards.

Anyways..I still have a few events before we leave this year behind and there is still spots to 2 of them in Stockholm.

December 15th at Pachamama in Hägersten, 19.00

December 18th at Conscious Life at Södermalm, 19.30.

There will be cacao, breathwork, drumming, singing and sound healing.

I hope to see you there.


What’s new?

Fire- the element of transformation. My favourite ritual to do around the full moon and new moon is to write down what I want to let go off and then throw it in the fire and watch it BURN. Very powerful!!

What’s new?

I turned off my phone all day Sunday and wow the creative juices were flowing.

I strained some medicines I made almost 2 years ago and they are potent..

This is Vanilla medicine- super divine and potent and the only way I use vanilla- the powder you get in the store is so processed but this my loves is the real deal!! 1 dropper of this in my cacao and my life just got a whole new meaning..

What’s new?

The things that are cooking on my stove..A hair mask made of sea moss- which is the best thing that ever happened to my hair. Then a decoction of my new favourite adaptogen Rhodiola- game changer..amazing for energy, depression, anxiety, post partum depression, focus, mental clarity..I mean..I have been drinking it for 3 days now and I feel like a super human.

What’s new?

Ah Blue vervain..Amazing nervine which means its calming to our nervous system, calming and amazing for meditation and dream work. Perfect for insomnia and just really good for the winter months of deep rest. I have a few extra bottles so send me an email if you want to get one.

What’s new?

I will be back at the cozy studio Pachamama in Hägersten on December 15th and it will be the last one for this year- 2 more spots left so send me an email if you are interested.

What’s new?

I will be spending a lot of time in Stockholm December and January and will be renting out my entire place- Main house, Yoga barn, Guest house and a sauna. OR do you want to trade for a few weeks? Shoot me an email:)

What’s new?

Had a meeting with my accountant and since I dont really make it out of my sanctuary that often I took the opportunity to dress up.

What’s new?

A few spots left for my Cacao ceremony at Conscious life in Stockholm on December 18th and I have a feeling we will go deep.

Nina Medicina

Nina Medicina

I am a Modern medicine woman and spiritual guide working mainly with Ceremonial Cacao, plants, breathwork and sound.

Here I am writing about my life that is divided between Lake Atitlan in Guatemala and the forest in Skåne. Topics I am passionate about are Cacao, holistic health, healing, spirituality, ceremonies, rituals and my dog Elda of course❣︎

Instagram: @ninamedicina

Mail: [email protected]

The Ceremonial Cacao I am writing about that has upgraded my life on all levels can be found at: