Blue & Johan

Small talk

Blue & Johan

Family. Companions in life, and driven by creativity and honesty. As we try to paint the picture of father and daughter Lindeberg, we come to the conclusion that we don’t need to color within the lines. These two explore the world together, always encouraging each other to follow their hearts.

Blue & Johan


Blue & Johan

Blue Lindeberg

Blue is born and raised in NYC, working as a model with an electric energy. She’s the daughter of Swedish designer Johan Lindeberg and Italian designer Marcella Lindeberg, but very much her own person. Free at heart and passionate about art, architecture and photography.

Blue, what are you into at the moment?

“I just bought my first video camera. I have been filming everything from me and my friends dancing, to blow-drying my hair with a make-shift colander diffuser. I don’t have a specific plan for the footage. My only rule is that I cannot rewatch any videos that I film, until my camera chip is full.”

How would you portray your father?

“He’s a trailblazer. Once he gets something creative in mind, he can’t help himself but to express it. His passion for things, for even the mundane, is nothing but inspiring to people that meet him. He can have an ego, but who doesn’t? At the end of the day, he’s a man with a plan, and nothing will get in his way. I am very similar in some ways.”

What have you taught him about life?

“I think I’ve taught him some form of practicality. His dreams are huge, almost too big for one man, so it’s important for him to step back, slow down, and look at the world through a practical lens sometimes.”

What have you learned from him growing up?

“As I have taught him to think more practically, he’s taught me to see the world through my imagination. To feel rather than think all the time. There is a balance that can be achieved between practicality and creativity; sometimes I think we are that balance.”


Blue & Johan

How was your childhood?

“Strange and marvelous. With two parents that travelled so much, I saw the world before I could even recognize it. I truly have had an amazing childhood, and I am so blessed and privileged to be able to say that confidently.”

Tell us about your mother Marcella!

“Marcella is beautiful, feisty, strong, and sweet. She has always pushed me to be better. I definitely get my laugh and big personality from her. She’s my rock.”

How was it growing up in New York City?

“Growing up in NYC is fast, and hectic. The tempo can sweep you off your feet and I’ve always loved that about NYC. It’s a gift to be able to keep up with its pace, and I am so lucky to be able to do that.

And then you moved to Paris?

“I moved to Paris to study Psychology and Gender Studies. I moved when I was seventeen and lived there until March 2020 due to COVID-19. Paris was my first exploration of true independence. I’ve always been the type of person to stand on my own, but when you move to a country where you don’t know anyone and can’t speak the language, it’s a completely different thing. I love Paris, but that’s all it was for me, a time to be completely independent.”

You’ve practiced as a doula, that sounds amazing?

It’s something I’ve always been interested in. I’ve had a list of baby names since I was 9 years old that I’ve collected. But I’d love to become a doula because it is such a multi-faceted practice. The blend of psychology, motherhood, and medicine really intrigues me.”

Blue & Johan


We all envy the inspiring father/daughter relationship you have, how can it be so successful?

“We are ridiculously honest with each other. He has always shown me all of his identities, not just his identity as a father. As much as my father is a father, he is also a friend, son, brother, human, and creative. We have respect for each other as individuals.”

The favorite thing to do together?

“Travel. Travelling with my father is always chaotic and a once in a lifetime experience. My favorite trips have been with him; always uplifting, fun, and slightly dysfunctional haha.”

What do you fight about, and how do you make peace?

“We are always on the same team when we fight. I have seen so many parents fight with their children in a way that makes the kid feel inferior. Dad always levels with me, and listens to me when I tell him he has done something wrong.”

When are you at your happiest?

“I am super independent but also extremely extroverted. I am happiest when I am alone and also when I am with a thousand people at once.”

Your go-to inspiration source?

“If I had to choose an inspiration source it would probably be the people that own vintage boutiques. I have always been fascinated by the amount of history they have at their fingertips. Sometimes I look at their collections and think about why they chose those specific pieces, what made them want to save those specific moments of history? I am very sentimental, what can I say :).”

Where are you in five years you think?

“Oh, I have no idea. There really is no way for me to know, I’ve never really been the planning type. Always have gone with the flow of my life.”

What are your dreams in life?

“My dreams are solely for me and my family to be comfortable and happy in life. I’ve never been on for extravagance. I am really happy for the way my life has turned out, I don’t think I need much more.

When are you strong?

“I like to handle difficult things alone, so I think that I feel strongest when standing on my own two feet.”

Do you wish to recommend something?

“I always recommend lighting candles in the morning!”

What’s next?

“More flowers, dancing, friendships, kisses, hugs, and food.”

What do you struggle with?

“Sometimes I can be too vocal and stubborn about my opinions. It is something I am working on; to be able to listen and see other perspectives.”

What are you most proud of?

“My relationship with my father. It really is something special.”☮

Blue & Johan

Johan Lindeberg

Johan has lived in New York for 20 years, explaining he loves the city as it has a borderless culture, encouraging him to be who he is. In addition to his role as artistic director for BLK DNM, Johan is a photographer and creative consultant living the brand.

Johan, where are you in life right now?

“I’m really excited to get BLK DNM going again. I had a break for three years but it’s great to feel that the intuition and passion is back. So I’m inspired. And I’m really excited to be able to use BLK DNM as a platform to express the values I believe in, during these times.”

How would you describe Blue?

“Grounded and wise. With a beautiful and inspiring energy.”

What has Blue taught you about life?

“Too live more in the presence. She’s tough. When I disappear into my own world too much she brings me right back.
I learn everyday from her.”

What do you wish she has learned from you growing up?

“To be herself. And to trust her own intuition. And to find her own passion.”

How was early life with a young daughter?

“I was a very engaged father. I was always up in the night checking her. And I loved to buy dresses to her. Blue always travelled with us around the world from she was born. Like she always says: We roll well together. And it felt like that, from the day she was born”.


Blue & Johan

We all envy the inspiring father/daugher relationship you have, how can it be so successful?

“We always had an open discussion. And we always been honest to each other’s. Somehow we became almost like best friends. I always tried to do my best to inspire, but not influence her.”

The favorite thing to do together?

“We like to go out and party together. It’s also the life we live in downtown NYC. Age is not important. We all hang a lot at the same places. But I love also to travel together. We really complement each other’s.”

If you could pass forward one thing for Blue to always think about when she needs strength?

”To trust her intuition and inner self. And have the guts to follow her heart.”

What do you fight about, and how do you make peace?

“We seldom fight. I can’t even remember when we did it. When we drove 500 kilometers from Paris to Dakar, last christmas. Blue said when we arrived; ‘Dad. We’ve been in a car together for one month and we never argued’. Who does that as father and daughter. It’s hard to explain. Like she says: We just roll well together.”

When are you at your happiest?

“When I’m inspired, and when I’ll go into my creative zone.

What are your fears?

“Probably health issues.”

Best trip you had together?

“Blue usually say Jamaica. It felt free, and we had a lot of fun there by connecting with the locals. But maybe our travel to Nepal after the earthquake. I feel, that both Blue and I learnt so much by visiting there in a very sensitive time.”

Your go-to inspiration source?

“I have a lot of books of inspiring artists from the past. But somehow I feel that I just want to go deeper within myself to find what I like, and don’t like.”

You started BLK DNM – then quit a few years later – and now the brand is back again, stronger than before. How has the journey been?

“I love when I can use a brand as a communication platform to express the values that I believe in. Somehow create my own alternative world. When I took BLK DNM back, it took a while until I started to feel the new dimension. But since a year back, I really felt it. And I’m excited to launch a love story based on my personal experiences.”

Tell us about your new collection with BLK DNM.

“The strength of BLK DNM is that it’s always been seasonless. We just focus on creating the best fit and product that you want to wear forever.”

What’s so appealing with leather?

“I always was wearing leather jackets since I bought them second hand in Copenhagen when I grew up. You feel powerful, and it’s also works as a shield. Personally, I think when you put a leather jacket on, you feel strong and protected at the same time.

What are you into at the moment?

“I feel I am really creative right now. Probably more than I ever felt during my life. I think it’s because I worked really hard to abandon all identities I consciously or unconsciously built up, during the years. And I begin to feel my own core.”


Blue & Johan

If you could, you would?

“Make people realize that it’s the cross cultural energy that is the real power. And also, to leverage Sweden as a reference country for integration.”

What do you want to recommend?

“To have guts to take steps.”

You have lived a spectacular life, what are the highlights you would say?

“To become a true Newyorker has been really special. I love my city, as it’s a has borderless culture. In NYC I can be myself more than anywhere else. It really encourage you to be who you are.”

A truly remembering experience was when …?

“There are too many. But I am romantic, and I have been lucky to experienced some great relationships with amazing women. Who I am still a great friend with.”

Being a designer, where do you find new insights?

“I just feel what I like to wear myself, or what I like to see on a woman. It’s quite straight forward.”

What do you struggle with?

“Right now I need to decide where to live. My life is a bit restless. But it will happen organically.”

What are you most proud of?

“Of course I am very proud of Blue. And also that I’ve been able to inspire the cultures to three different brands.”☮

Published March 14, 2021