
10 years ago


Nu blomstrar det hemma! Träd överallt. Vi hittade det perfekta fikonträdet på Keramikbutiken i söndags. Nu ska det få stå i vårt överdrivet ljusa vardagsrum och sprida fräschör! Den såg ganska liten ut i butiken men hemma insåg vi att det var rätt mycket träd. Vilket vi gillar!
Julia Hichens

Julia Hichens

Blogger for The way we play. Stockholm based since 1984, I have cultivated a life where I think sophistication meets a genuine passion for the world’s finer aspects.

With an acute eye for detail, I navigate through realms of travel, fashion, and wellness, always seeking to balance elegance with the feeling of nurturing living.

I belive these experiences have shaped a unique perspective on contemporary life, one that I am eager to share with others. Whether it’s uncovering hidden gems on my travels, exploring a way to keep my classic style modern and interesting, or offering insights on style and growing as a person – mother, friend and wife. Shortly put: life as I know it. I often tend to celebrate life’s nuances and strive to do it with grace and authenticity.

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